Всего, по состоянию на 1 февраля 2015 года, уже выплачена денежная компенсация для более 2000 семей погибших военных и для 3200 военнослужащих, получивших тяжелые ранения и признанных инвалидами"
Beyond the unique realism that the game offered, what is most interesting is that the programmers had predicted the future, or at least partially predicted the future at this point. The simulator was set in the NW Black Sea region, and in the game's first iteration the campaign happened around southern Ukraine, and predominantly over the Crimea Peninsula.
Russia was invading the autonomous republic of Crimea and if you flew on the allied side of the war it was your mission to fly and fight with the coalition in an attempt to turn the tide of the attack. If you flew with the Russian forces, your goal was to help their ground forces advance further into the Ukranian mainland or provide counter air cover over friendly territory. To this day I could probably jump in a cockpit and know my way around the region without a map as so many hours were spent virtually patrolling the airspace high above Sebastopol or hugging the deck in the alpine valleys north east of Sochi.